DB Alerting - Specific to Org

There will be 3 Tier Alerting Levels for each technology

SQL Server

Tier 1 - DBI, this should capture and email the majority of database level issues
Tier 2 - SQL Server Instance Alerting - this should capture any alerts bespoke which the DBI does not capture.  Requires no external polling.
Tier 3 - Solarwinds, this should capture and email hardware and capacity level issues


Tier 1 - DBI, this should capture and email the majority of database level issues
Tier 2 - Cloud Control, this should capture any alerts bespoke which the DBI does not capture.
Tier 3 - Solarwinds, this should capture and email hardware and capacity level issues


Tier 1 - Monyog, this should capture and email the majority of database level issues
Tier 2 - Solarwinds, this should capture and email hardware and capacity level issues.


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