SQL Server Encryption

Transparent Data Encryption

This encrypts the physical data + log files + backup (all at the server end).  Only protects the data at rest and stops access if the physical files / backups are copied off.

Uses windows data protection key (os level) to decrypt service master key (instance level) to encrypt database master key (database level).  This creates certificate in the master database used to encrypt database.  This certificate + password is needed then to restore database anywhere else. 

This will not encrypt the network traffic.

Will not protect against sql injection or elevated privileges.

Will not protect against the entire image of the OS / datafiles being stolen as technically the database is still accessible if elevated privileges are obtained against the same OS / Instance.

What this will do is prevent the data files / logs or backups being copied off and restored to another server or data files being accessed outside of the instance.

Transparent (the application does not need to know about this).  All decryption is done at the server side.

Commonly used, mature (since since 2008), easy to implement.

Enterprise only feature, needs enterprise to restore onto another server as well

May have a slight effect on performance as tempdb is also encrypted but this impact should be small.

Uses encryption key / certificates which need to be backed up (to more than one physical location), in order to be able to recover database.

Can be added to availability groups (outside of wizard)

SQL Always Encrypted

Client side, needs a driver on the client to decrypt.  Object level encryption

Data itself is stored encrypted so DBA's would not have access to that data. 

Not encrypted at a network packet level but the transported data is encrypted anyway.

Limited SQL Feature set (there are limitations with sql commands so may not work with all applications).

Major performance implications with index searching

Application would need to be designed to use this.

Best set up on limited objects for protecting specific data fields, credit card numbers etc.

Standard edition supported

SSL Encryption

Can be used to compliment TDE for end to end network packet encryption.

Will require certificated to be set up on server and copied to the client machines.  SQL Server requires configuring to use certificates

Article with a summary of different encryption technologies with sql server.


Common Criteria Compliance (enterprise only)

audits EVERY successful and unsuccessful attempt to access a database object.
HAS to be written (db will stop if it cannot write to this due to space etc)
Requires a db restart / config change and script to enable.

C2 Audit (enterprise only superceeded by common criteria compliance)

For C2 Government Certified Systems, similar to ccc but now superceeded

Server Audit (standard edition)

Configurable targeted Auditing
Configure to force logging or continue running instance on error
Requires configuration to target objects etc
Can write output to flat file or windows event logs


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