Oracle Query Tuning and Optimization Techniques

With the overwhelming hits from allover the world for my blogs I thought of sharing some performance tuning methods with all.Performance is a parameter, which is critical for any application. Since no users will be willing to compromise on performance of his system, we are subjected to develop a system with less response time and greater throughput.Oracle is one of the widely use database in the world. We will go through some optimization technique that can be implemented to develop  better systems.
Avoid data type mismatch for index columns
Most people, who are novice in database use single quote (in the filter condition) irrespective of the data-type they are querying.This makes oracle to do an internal typecast to the required data-type.
Before Optimization After Optimization
select name,age,city,state
from employee
where employee_id='111';
select name,age,city,state
from employee
where employee_id=111;
Time taken : 2.3 sec Time taken : 0.3 sec
Avoid functions on indexed columns
Normally, we identify the most frequently queried column from table and create an index on it.But while querying we use functions on the indexed column. This will ultimately annul the purpose of creating an index on the column. 
Before Optimization After Optimization
select name,age,city
from employee
where substr(employee_name,1,3)='raj';
select name,age,city
from employee
where employee_name like 'raj%';
Time Taken : 2.8 sec Time Taken : 0.3 sec
If we cannot avoid using a function in the query. we can create functional index on the specific column
Specify the condition in WHERE instead of HAVING
Before Optimization After Optimization
select name,
from employee
group by name
having name='raj';
select name,
from employee
where name='raj'
group by name;
Time Taken = 2.2 sec Time Taken = 0.3 sec
This is an obvious error.If you are not filtering before grouping, then all unnecessary data will be grouped and finally the required data will be filtered. Applying filter before grouping will avoid unnecessary sorting and grouping.
 Use Joins instead of inner query
Before Optimization After Optimization
select employee_name
from employee where employee_id in ( select employee_id from defaulters)
select employee_name
from employee e,
       defaulters d
where e.employee_id=d.employee_id
Time Taken : 14.1 sec Time Taken : 5.5 sec
 This is actually considered as a bad practice in writing SQL, writing inner query results in querying the outer table for each output of the inner query.I would consider this as potential area where we can improve the system performance.
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