Export & Import NFS Server Permissions of Windows Server°2012R2 Using Powershell

Steps to Export & Import NFS Server Permissions of  Windows Server°2012R2 Using Powershell

Export NFS share permissions

  1. To export the NFS share permissions for all the NFS shares, type:

    PS C:\tmp> Get-NfsShare | Get-NfsSharePermission | Export-Clixml NfsSharePermission.xml

    Next, update the host configuration information using the following steps. You can ignore these steps if the net name and host names are going to remain the same.
    1. Open the file where the exported permissions are located (for example, c:\tmp\NfsSharePermission.xml).
    2. Find the network name and host name, and then rename them as appropriate.
    3. If necessary, update the location of the directory path.
    4. Save the file that contains the exported permissions (such as c:\tmp\NfsShares.xml).

    Import NFS share permissions

    Before performing this step, make sure that the Nfssharepermission.xml file is updated with the correct server names. To import NFS share permissions, open Windows PowerShell, and type:

    PS C:\tmp> Import-Clixml NfsSharePermission.xml | foreach { $_ |Grant-NfsSharePermission}



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