Technotes - SCN, Checkpoints and Recovery
Understanding the SCN In order to understand how Oracle performs recovery, it’s first necessary to understand Oracle’s SCN in terms of the various places where it can be stored and how it’s used for instance and media recovery. The SCN is an internal number maintained by the databasemanagementsystem (DBMS) to log changes made to a database. The SCN increases over time as changes are made to the database by Structured Query Language (SQL). By understanding how the SCN is used, you can understand how Oracle recovery works. Oracle9i enables you to examine the current SCN using the following SQL: SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual; Whenever an application commits a transaction, the log writer process (LGWR) writes records from the redo log buffers in the System Global Area (SGA) to the online redo logs on disk. LGWR also writes the transaction’s SCN to the online redo log file. The success of this atomic write event determines ...