MySQL Installation On Centos
1. Configure the server disk arrays. Make Standard as: R1 P1 / P2 /swap R10 P1 /mysqldata1 R1 P1 /mysqllogs1 R1 P1 /mysqltemp This will depend on physical / virtual and number of available disks / size of system. On a vm environment we typically would split the partitions as above but the disk level Raid configuration would not apply. 2. Download the 64bit mysql rpm files for server and client and copy onto the new centos server: MySQL-server-<version>.el6.x86_64.rpm MySQL-client-<version>.el6.x86_64.rpm 3. Type rpm -ivh --replacefiles MySQL-client<version>.el6.x86_64.rpm MySQL-server<version>.el6.x86_64.rpm ...